About the ACTCA
The newly established ACT Careers Association is an incorporated, not for profit association that helps its members support the career development of children and young people.
The Association was conceptualised at the start of 2020 after a group of ACT career practitioners conducted a survey to gauge interest in re-establishing a career development association led and managed in the ACT. The ACTCA was registered with the ACT government in October 2020. In its first year of operation the ACTCA attracted over 40 members.
ACTCA Management
The ACTCA committee meets twice each school term. The managing committee consists of four office bearers, President, Vice President, Treasurer and Secretary and four committee members. The ACTCA Treasurer holds the rols of Public Officer.
Joanne Hastings

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After completing a Graduate Certificate in Career Counselling in 2008, Jo has been employed as a teacher career practitioner in ACT schools, CIT and the ACT Education Directorate. She completed a Graduate Diploma in Career Education and Development in 2011. Now retired, Jo continues to volunteer in the ACT career community.
Jennie Sheppard

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Jennie commenced science teaching in 2003 and has been employed in Australian and international schools. She completed her Graduate Certificate in Career Development Practice in 2017 and was first appointed as a teacher career practitioner to Mount Stromlo High School, then to Erindale College in 2019 and recently won the Careers and Student Engagement school leader role at Calwell High School in 2022.
Melissa Moir

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Mel commenced teaching in the ACT in 2002 and has taught Humanities and Business (VET) across a number of ACT public high schools and colleges. She completed her Graduate Certificate in Careers Counselling with RMIT and Certificate IV in Training & Assessment in 2005 and since this time has introduced Career Education programs aligned with Work Studies curriculum across several ACT schools. Mel is currently employed as an executive teacher and program manager in the ACT Education Directorate’s Education Support Office. Mel’s area of interest is aligning programs with curriculum, mapping competencies, standards and outcomes to the Australian Blueprint for Career Development and developing career education programs for all students; specifically in improving the transition to work outcomes for students who have mental health barriers, or those who require additional support in connecting with education.
Livia Tigwell

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Livia has been teaching since 1983, in ACT secondary schools, the CIT and Germany. She has provided career development support to young people in the Tuggeranong valley, combined with teaching and supporting students with disabilities since 1990. Believing that everyone wants to experience career success, Livia supports and encourages youth to make well informed decisions about their post school options. Livia has found that collaboration with colleagues, a broad range of organisations and family members provides the best outcomes so contributes to the school’s Case Management and Wellbeing teams and also the Tuggeranong Secondary School Transition group. She looks forward to working with the ACTCA membership to strengthen the profile of Career Development in the ACT.
Lalita Deo

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Lalita commenced teaching as a Food and Nutrition/Textiles teacher and has been employed by the ACT Education Directorate since 2001. Prior to this Lalita was a high school teacher in Fiji Islands and taught there for 10 years. She completed my Graduate Certificate in Career Development Practice in 2017 and was appointed as a teacher career practitioner to Calwell High School, and then to Lake Tuggeranong College in 2019. After completing the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Cultural Competence Course (NSW TAFE), Lalita has developed an interest in supporting career pathways for Indigenous student. Lalita is a holistic practitioner who encourages young people to best balance work, learning and life, and to think about citizenship and their role in their community. She is motivated to help students create positive change in their lives and understand that there many pathways to career success.
Chontel Green

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Chontel has completed her Graduate Certificate in Career Development and Education in 2013 and is currently employed as the teacher career practitioner at Hawker College. She has teaching and career practitioner experience in both ACT high school and colleges. Chontel’s special interest is improving the career development outcomes for students who have a disability, mental health barriers, or those who require additional help engaging with education.
Claire Momcilovic

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Claire’s background is in the Early Childhood Education sector as both an Educator, and then as a Trainer and Assessor once gaining the Certificate IV in Training and Assessment. Claire spent two years as the ASBA and Work Experience Coordinator at Erindale College then 6 months as Field Officer at Skills Canberra ensuring compliance for trainees and apprentices against the National Code of Good Practice. Having recently completed the Certificate IV in Career Development Claire is currently the career practitioners at Lanyon High School.
Traci Chatfield

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Traci’s is a qualified Youth Support Worker and was employed at Calwell High School in this role in 2010. In 2013 Traci assisted the school careers advisor to organise work experience placements for the students in year 9 and 10. This dual role as youth worker and work experience assistant complimented other each and motivated Traci to study her Certificate IV in Career Development at Canberra Institute of Technology. In 2019 Traci commenced as the career advisor at Calwell High School and in 2020 she completed her Graduate Certificate in Career Development Practice at CEAV Institute. In 2022 Traci worked as the Head Start Industry Co-ordinator in the Careers and Vocational Pathways section in the ACT Education Directorate. In 2023 Traci was employed by Mount Stromlo High School as a full-time career development practitioner. Traci is passionate about building school – industry engagement and supporting students to explore and experience vocational pathways during high school.
The ACTCA Rules and Codes
ACTCA members comply with the Association’s Rules set out in the Constitution and the ACTCA’s Code of Conduct. They uphold a standard of personal and professional behaviour that promotes confidence, trust, productivity and a sense of belonging to the ACTCA and local community. Their work with fellow ACTCA members, children, young people and the broader community incorporates the values of respect for others, respect for the community, integrity and professional collaboration.
ACTCA career development practitioners possess specialist skills and knowledge and are professionals in their field. Practice is guided by CICA’s Professional Standards for Australian Career Development Practitioners and the Code of Ethics.
The Rules and Codes provide members a practical guide for professional behaviour, personal integrity and ethical decision making. The Rules and Codes aim to build community confidence in ACTCA member practice.
Click on the image to access the ACTCA Constitution.
The History of ACT Career Associations
The ACTCA builds upon the history of career associations in the capital, first initiated by the ACT Career Education Association (ACTCEA). The ACTCEA was formally established in Canberra on 31 July 1974 and during its operation developed a “proud tradition of members working tirelessly to develop and improve career advisory and school to work/further study transition services for school students”. The ACTCEA was admitted as a CICA Member Association in 2003 and continued to be a part of the ACT’s career education, career guidance and employment landscape until 2009.
A copy of The History of the ACT Career Education Association: 1974-2006 is held at the ACT Heritage Library and is saved in the ACTCA’s Member’s Room.
The ACTCA committee members are dedicated to continuing the inspirational work accomplished by the ACTCEA committee from 1974 to 2009.
Active ACTCA Members
ACTCA members are actively involved in the Association. This involvement includes:
- reading the ACTCA newsletter and email updates
- attending, assisting and/or leading professional development events
- contributing to ACTCA’s quarterly newsletter
- joining an ACTCA subcommittee
- standing for election as a committee member
- becoming a mentor or mentee
- volunteering at ACTCA career development events
- providing input and feedback
- sharing evidence-informed practice with ACTCA members.
If you would like to know more about becoming a member, please contact us.