ACT Careers Association
Established in 2020, the ACT Careers Association (ACTCA) provides support and services to ACTCA members.
ACTCA membership is made up of career development practitioners, career educators, staff working in education and training institutions, individuals interested in connecting with the careers community, business and relevant stakeholders. All members are united in the common aim to advance career development in the ACT and Capital region.
Our Purpose
The ACTCA’s purpose is to build the specialist skills and knowledge of our professional and associate members to be leaders of excellence in career development, and support all our members to provide evidence-based career development services to children and young people in the ACT and Capital region.
Our Goals
Providing and promoting professional development opportunities aligned to the Career Industry Council of Australia (CICA) Professional Standards for Australian Career Development Practitioners (2019).
Strengthening member networking and sharing innovative and evidence-based career practice.
Building collaborative partnerships with local industry, relevant stakeholders and career development associations in the ACT and Capital region.
Advocating for the delivery of career education as a teaching area requiring expertise, and career counselling as a specialist field of guidance in all ACT and Capital region children and young people.
ACTCA Strategic Plan 2023-2026
The ACTCA Strategic Plan 2023 – 2026 is a four year plan that outlines the Association’s future direction
and strategic goals.
ACTCA Membership
ACTCA membership is open to career development practitioners, education and training staff, industry stakeholders and those interested in connecting with the career development industry in the ACT and Capital region.
The Association supports Professional and Associate members to continue their professional excellence and growth, and assists people and organisations who do not hold career development qualifications to connect with the local career development community.
ACTCA membership categories are:
- Professional
- Associate
- Collegial
- Industry
ACTCA Awards
ACTCA celebrates the achievements of its members by annually presenting awards.
The Association honours outstanding careers service provision by awarding the ACTCA Career Development Practitioner of the Year Award to an ACTCA professional or associate member.
The ACTCA – Innovation in Career Development Award recognises ACTCA career development practitioner innovation meeting the challenges of a rapidly changing world in our dynamic and connected community.
The ACTCA Life Membership Award recognises the outstanding and sustained contribution of an ACT Careers Association member to the ACTCA and the field of career development.
Click on the image to download the nomination form.
For more details contact the ACT Careers Association.
Upcoming Events
The ACTCA organises webinars, presentations, workshops, industry visits, meetings and networking events to support member professional development and promote professional growth.
The Association also promotes professional learning events delivered by career industry experts that are grounded in research and evidence, and aligned to CICA’s Professional Standards for Australian Career Development Practitioners.